Balance Emotions with Bach Flower Remedies

“The remedies to be described are beneficent in action, and cause no aggravation nor reaction, for their effect is to uplift.”

– Dr. Edward Bach, 1930

Emotion comes from the Old French and Latin word émouvoir meaning, to excite or move out or agitate. If our emotions feel off, everything feels “off”. Emotions are controlled by our nervous system, and also control our day-to-day functioning. For some, everything is bottled up and shoved into some deep dark place in the inner depth of their being, and others wear them freely on the sleeve for all to see. We are all emotional beings, that means those emotions at any time can become out of balance so learning what resources we have at hand to manage them can be helpful. Maybe they have been out of balance since your childhood, maybe you went through a traumatic event that set the tone, these emotions if not worked through effectively will eventually affect our physical health.

Bach Flower Beginnings

Dr. Edward Bach, a surgeon in the late 1800’s, a follower of Hippocrates in that he believed that healing should be gentle, painless and non-invasive, saw that people have distinct personalities and that focusing on these personalities and temperaments was far more important in the healing process, than the state of the physical body. Personality, ultimately, determines healing. He said, “Personality is the prime indication of the treatment required.” Dr. Bach was a highly successful surgeon and bacteriologist but found that modern medicine was coming up a bit short in serving the whole person in all areas of their health and wellness.

In 1924, he delivered a paper titled, Intestinal Toxemia and Its Relations to Cancer, but found himself still not satisfied with his work and wished to find substances that were natural and non-toxic in and of themselves and in 1928, Bach found the first of these remedies and noted that seaweed had almost the same vibrations as the dysentery-type virus. This helped to change how he viewed and wanted to utilize homeopathy. He then theorized that the dew on the plants he was using had been naturally potentized by the sun, thus he discovered the process to be used in most of his remedies – simple water, heat (sun) and a botanical flower. He noted that the strongest power of any plant was simply found through its flower. He understood that a cure was needed that would work to help heal the whole person, their mind, body, and spirit. These today are known as Bach Flowers or also known as “flower remedies”.

“The main reason for the failure of the modern medical science is that it is dealing with the results and not causes. Nothing more than the patching up of those attacked and the burying of those who are slain, without a thought being given to the real strong hold.”

– Dr. Edward Bach

Let’s dig deeper into what Bach Flowers are NOT! They are not an essential oil or considered an herbal tincture. They have no aroma and are intended to be taken internally. Currently classified as a homeopathy under the HPUS (Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States). Dr. Bach had an overwhelming compassion for mankind, a love of the natural world. Dr. Bach openly stated that he thought that “healing perhaps belonged more to the Church, than to a medical society. Because Christ was the great healer, and he healed the body, the mind, and the soul.” Bach Flowers are not dangerous, unsafe, aggressive, or what some would call as “new age”. Preserved in brandy, a tincture, similar to homeopathy in that there is no substance other than some water and the preservative. Intended to be taken internally and used by anyone, everyone, on medications, off meds, dogs, cats, horses, and all other creatures. It will help some, or not, but what it certainly will not do, is harm anyone. There are no medication interactions as there is no substance to interact with. Bach Flowers are frequency. Bach flowers work by enhancing the positive aspects of the mind, emotion and personality. You will be flooded with the positive qualities as the negative aspects are dissolved away.

How They Are Made

Preparing a remedy is simple, carefully pick the blossom of the botanical and place it in a bowl of spring water (not distilled) the putting the bowl in the sunlight until the petals begin to show signs of withering. Once the petals are removed you are left with a magnetic solution that can then be ingested.

The human body is a powerful transmitter and receiver of energy. This energy acts like little electrical bursts in our body. When our senses detect some kind of environmental stress or threat, the cells in our nervous system and endocrine system work together to prepare you for action. This is also called our fight or flight system. Trauma, whether physical or emotional, can push your limbic system into a “stuck” state of fight or flight.

Are you afraid of losing control physically or mentally? Do you find that you hide behind a cheerful face, or force a smile? Do you have an inability to say no? Do you constantly seek advice? Are you overly attached to someone? Do you struggle with intrusive thinking? Do you talk quickly and have a hard time listening to others speak? Do you have a lack of confidence or feel overwhelmed by responsibility? Maybe you are having a hard time making a big life decision. Maybe you just have impending feels of doom with no basis. These are just some of the emotions that can be balanced through the use of Bach Flower remedies.

At the time of his death in 1936, Dr. Bach had discovered 38 flower remedies to help balance the many human emotions.

“Healing with the clean, pure, beautiful agents of nature is surely the one method of all which appeal to most of us.”

Dr. Edward Bach, 1936

How To Use

You must be asking yourself by this point, “how do I take these?”

Simple. Working with a trained practitioner trained to listen, talk, ask questions, listen, then provide an appropriate flower remedy combination. You will take 4 drops of the flower remedy 4 times a day. Once a blend is made it has a three-week expiration date and should be discarded, if taken properly you shouldn’t have anything left to discard. This is not a physical assessment but one that allows the person to be seen rather than their disease. Most appointments take about 30 minutes. They are great for pets, children, and all ages. They have no medication interactions and can be a great non pharmaceutical option for those who also have found medications to not be as effective.

When using flower remedies, it is important to note that changes can be gradual and not immediate. Potency is not increased by taking more drops at one time, but rather by increasing the frequency of the drops (take more times throughout the day). Taking flower remedies over time will build a stabilizing influence in your day-to-day life, this will involve your relationships, it will show in your attitudes, in your level of stress, and overall, your state of well-being.

For those who do not need counseling but would still like to benefit from emotional balancing sessions, please feel free to get connected with me through my client portal.

If you feel depressed, make an appointment to see your doctor or mental health professional as soon as you can. If you’re reluctant to seek treatment, talk to a friend or loved one, any health care professional, a faith leader, or someone else you trust; there is something about a tangible connection with another who cares.

I will be continuing this in a series to help you learn about some of the more commonly used Bach flowers and how you can apply them to your own life, please consider following so you can be notified!

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